Sunday, September 30, 2007

Good news !

Looks like we had good surprises at our latest ultrasound :
-Our baby has his eyes opened in the womb and his head is engaged and down !
-He weighs 5 pounds 9 ounces already !! Jack Senior does NOT make small babies :-)
-Looks like our placenta has moved a little

Now we're anxiously waiting for our doctor's appointment on Tuesday to find out if the c-section will be postponed or canceled !

It's decided - this week we are preparing our suitcases for the hospital !

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

let's talk gear

looks like the store is having a bit of trouble getting us our new crib in time for jack jr's arrival - apparently now they are talking about sending us a "loaner crib" until the real one arrives, if you can believe that. but eventually this is the crib and matching "combo" we will be putting jack jr. to sleep in (we picked white, so you'll have to use your imagination):

the intense debate on our first stroller has also finally been resolved, and this will be jack jr's first strolling vehicle:

we like it because it is small and light, which should help in maneuvering around the city. it also fits our maxicosi car seat, which we thought was the cosiest one we out there. and once jack jr outgrows his car seat, he can still use the main stroller seat:

... but so far, our other baby-making friends guarantee us that no matter how hard we try we will end up buying multiple strollers - so we'll see how that one goes!

State of mind

Monday, September 24, 2007

Week 34

This week is yet another busy week for us :
-Tuesday : maternity ward tour and doctor's appointment
-Wednesday : breastfeeding class
-Thursday : visit with the new pediatrician and learning how to care for a preemie
-Friday : Last chance for the placenta to move (last ultrasound to check on the previa) and check for the fetal weight.

Luckily we now have most of the stuff for baby's arrival ! We took a big trip to babies'r'us this weekend and got all the essentials...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Gifts for baby or Jack ?

We got this carrier and this cute dino plush from Aunt Val and Uncle Ron...Jack loves the way he looks with the carrier on :-)
The carrier will be very useful in NYC's subway!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

supermaman the superpregomodel

it's been a while since we've posted some pictures of supermaman - and she's looking good:

and let's not forget jack jr!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

building out the nest

jack jr. had a big shopping day - today we picked out his crib and changing table, and a glider for his supermaman. unfortunately this new furniture might take as long as 6 weeks to arrive - it's a good thing we have aunt vickie's cosleeper...

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Gifts for baby

Jack Jr got spoiled this month !
Aunt Susie got him this super cute bouncer (we love the color and the softness of the material).
It will allow baby to be comfy while his mom cooks, take a shower...etc..while keeping an eye on him !

Aunt Vicki got him his bed ! :-)

It looks like this but she got us one in sage color. It will be VERY practical when mom will want to breastfeed in the middle of the night and will still be recovering from her c-section...

Then it will be converted into a pack & play or as toy storage or changing table (YES it really does it all !!)...

Jack Jr also got some fancy French clothes from "mamie Cathy" and now he should be all dressed for the first couple months !! (it is tough to find "smaller" sizes in the US :(

My friend Alexandra got him a swaddle blanket, a sling (sooo cool, looks like a purse!) and some nail cutters (Jack's job).
This is the sling :

Cheryl got him a baby bonkie and a cute little toy made of organic cotton.
It looks like a baby cocoon !

Thanks everyone !!