Sunday, April 29, 2007

More ultrasounds...

So we had our "end of the first trimester" ultrasound to measure nuchal translucency (for down syndrome risk). Our baby was moving and had is legs crossed, it was very funny to see that !
On the picture you can see his foot... Also they advanced our due date to November 6th, we made a Valentine's day baby !!! :-)

Nous avons eue notre echographie de fin de premier trimestre afin d'evaluer les risques de trisomie 21, resulats prevus pour vendredi 4 mai !
Le bebe bougeait et avait les jambes croisees, c'etait amusant de voir ca ! Sur la photo vous pouvez admirer son pied...
Ah et aussi le medecin nous a avance la date d'eccouchement au 6 Novembre !!! C'est un bebe de la Saint Valentin !

Sunday, April 22, 2007


Notre bebe a 10 semaines et 2 jours :
Our baby at 10 weeks 2 days :

Elles sont pas mimi ces petites cuisses ?? Et ses petites oreilles ?
Aren't his/her thighs soo cute ? And his/her little ears ?

Notre bebe mesure maintenant 4.06 centimetres !
Our baby measures 4.06 centimeters long !!

Il est deja en avance pour son age ! :-)
A 10 semaines et 2 jours, il est aussi grand qu'un bebe de 11 semaines...Ca commence bien !

He's already ahead...He measures like a baby of 11 weeks !

Sa maman va bien, les nausees ont commence a s'estomper, maintenant il faut essayer de manger equilibrer et prendre un peu de poids !
His mommy is feeling better since the nauseas are fading away, now it s time to try to eat healthy-er and gain a little weight !

Friday, April 20, 2007

Parents in training

Our current baby... :-)

Notre gros bebe (en ce moment)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

State of mind...

Mon Etat d'esprit en ce moment...Je peux enfin manger tout ce que je veux mais rien ne me fait envie.... :-(

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Petit bidou deviendra grand...(2mois)

Belly at 10 weeks...starting the third month !

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Le schmilblick du jour

Le premier mec qui me dit ce que c'est a gagne une bouteille de rouge...(email

The first guy to email me and tell me what this is wins a bottle of french red wine ! (email

Monday, April 9, 2007

The big announcement...

This weekend we are going to make the trek to Jersey to announce the news to the future grand parents. It's Jack's dad birthday so we are planning on giving him a card that says "For your birthday - make three wishes and then open your present"...
Here's the present :

It should be more than obvious - don't you think ?

Technology world

Premiere echo a 5 semaines et 2 jours :
Notre bebe a une grande chambre et il ne fait que 2,8 mm !
First ultrasound at 5 weeks 2 days :
Our baby has a nice and spacious nursery and is only
2,8mm long !

Deuxieme echo a 7 semaines et 2 jours :
Notre bebe mesure 1,11 cm.
Papa etait present et nous etions tres emus d'entendre son coeur battre a 150 battements par minutes.
Second ultrasound at 7 weeks
2 days :

Our baby is 1,11cm long. Daddy was there and we were very moved when we heard his little heart beat at 150 bpm.


Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

How it all started...

Apres avoir pleure comme une madeleine pensant que Jack m'avait oubliee sur une plateforme de metro j'ai commence a me demander ce qu'il m'arrivait...Le lendemain, un samedi matin, j'en ai eu le coeur net : le test etait positif !

After crying all the tears of my body thinking that Jack "lost" me on a subway plateform i started asking myself "what's wrong with me ??"
The next day, I got the answer to my question : the pregnancy test I had just taken was positive !